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253. Make This the Year You Say Hi to Someone in the Coffee Shop
253. Make This the Year You Say Hi to Someone in the Coffee Shop

253. Make This the Year You Say Hi to Someone in the Coffee Shop

You have many opportunities in your daily life to choose to connect with someone new—but do you notice the moments? Here’s why you want to start paying closer attention: New research shows that your happiness and wellbeing are connected in part to the “weak ties” you have. “Weak ties” are the people you don’t have particularly strong relationships with, but you connect with in some shared capacity, like neighbors, a barista at the local coffee shop, or people you regularly see in a spin class. Research has often focused on how “weak ties” can help advance your career. A new study indicates that creating this network of acquaintances contributes to your sense of belonging, wellbeing, and access to opportunities. I’ve built genuine relationships from a onetime conversation in a coffee shop, on a train platform, in a dress shop, and on social media, and I want to help you do that, too. I’d love to hear your thoughts and Bold Moves, so I can cheer you on. Drop me a line @ShannaAHocking on LinkedIn, Instagram, or my website - ShannaAHocking.com.

253. Make This the Year You Say Hi to Someone in the Coffee Shop

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