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Rest is the Revolution with Iman Benet
Rest is the Revolution with Iman Benet

Rest is the Revolution with Iman Benet

Iman Benet is a Culinary Artist, Writer, and Human Rights Activist. In this episode, we talk about: Healing and raising your vibration through food  Tuning and listening to your intuition  How changing your environment can change your life How rest and a calm nervous system is the revolutionIman curates and cooks for intimate dinners in LA that give back, give a farmer a seat at the table, and create a space for community and connection, all while tasting food that contributes to healing from within.Sign up for your seat at Iman’s table on Ritual. And let me know what you think of this episode by connecting with me on @breakingthemoldpod. 🧡

Rest is the Revolution with Iman Benet

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