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Episode 6 - Hijab or no hijab: that is the question
Episode 6 - Hijab or no hijab: that is the question

Episode 6 - Hijab or no hijab: that is the question

Welcome to the Working Millennial Women podcast. I am your host, Nikita. As part of the Modern Muslimah Series, I hope to discuss issues that affect young Muslim women. Today we are discussing the hijab. This past year I started wearing a hijab to test it out and I am starting to have some reservations about continuing to wear it. So I decided to talk to my sisters-in-law, Yasmine and Rodina about those reservations. They are both Egyptian American Muslims. Rodina wears a hijab and Yasmine does not. I hope hearing different sides of a complex issue is beneficial to any young Muslim women out there who are struggling with the decision to wear a hijab. What’s also important to note, is that these varying opinions and perspectives all exist in the same family! Join us as we have a candid discussion about hijab in the workplace, how the community you live in can influence your decision to wear a hijab and some ways to overcome uncomfortable situations you may find yourself in as a hijabi. I hope you found some value in listening to Rodina and Yasmine’s opinions on the concept of hijab. Remember, none of us are Islamic scholars. We’re just trying to help each other through difficult decisions in life. So please don’t take our opinions as religious advice. If you have anything to add to this conversation, please send me an email with your thoughts and questions. My contact information is wmwradio@gmail.com. I want to thank you for choosing to listen to this podcast. If you’re enjoying the content, please share it with your friends and family. This podcast can be found anywhere podcasts are available. Please remember to subscribe or follow the podcast so you can be updated on new episodes. Thank you so much!!

Episode 6 - Hijab or no hijab: that is the question

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