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Ep. 112 - Storytelling, Time, and Consciousness
Ep. 112 - Storytelling, Time, and Consciousness

Ep. 112 - Storytelling, Time, and Consciousness

For over twenty years, Erika Larsen has committed herself tostorytelling through long-form photographic essays, short-form videodocumentaries, and monographs that interweave narrative and imagery. Herwork delves into the human experience across cultures, exploringbeliefs, rituals, consciousness, spirituality, humanity's connection tonature, traditional ecological knowledge, and the processes oftransformation.In this episode of Lasting Conversations, host Heather Lockett connectsfrom southern Spain with internationally acclaimed artist, poet,photographer and visual storyteller Erika Larsen. They delve into theart of co-creation, discussing how mediums, such as photography, canserve as a bridge between people, nature, and time. Erika sharesinsights from her experiences living with indigenous cultures, her workwith National Geographic, and her portrait and film work. Theconversation explores themes of non-linear time, consciousness, and theevolving relationship between humanity and technology in the age of AI.Join Heather and Erika for a thought-provoking discussion thattranscends traditional narratives and invites listeners to reflect ontheir own connections with the world around them.Contact Erika Larsen: Email: e@erikalarsenphoto.comWebsite: erikalarsenphoto.comInstagram: @erikalarsen888 and @floridaroomfilesContact Heather S Lockett:Email: podcasts@lastingconversations.comPhone: (561) 831-8356Website: www.lastingconversations.comFacebook: Lasting ConversationsInstagram: @LastingConversationsLinkedIn: Lasting ConversationsYouTube:@LastingConversationsWe want to hear from You! Be a part of the Conversation! Reach outwith comments, questions, or as a show sponsor, via email atpodcasts@lastingconversations.comLasting Conversations"We get to the HEART of everything!"Support the show

Ep. 112 - Storytelling, Time, and Consciousness

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