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Role of Lawyers in Building Purpose-Driven Businesses - The Journey of Angie Redecopp
Role of Lawyers in Building Purpose-Driven Businesses - The Journey of Angie Redecopp

Role of Lawyers in Building Purpose-Driven Businesses - The Journey of Angie Redecopp

You have your business’s finances in place. Now, what’s next? Believe it or not, scale-up and SME founders often forget the legal aspect of the businesses and this can cause a myriad of problems if not immediately resolved. Angie Redecopp discusses the legal aspect of businesses — another commonly forgotten puzzle piece in companies. She shares how purpose-driven founders can influence their legal structures, governance, and contracts with suppliers and investors to include sustainability. If you want to learn how to improve a business’s legal aspect toward sustainability, this episode is for you!3 reasons why you should listen to the full episode:Understand the importance of having a solid legal aspect in purpose-driven businesses.Learn the basics for starting the legal and sustainability aspect of a business.  Discover the role of lawyers in progressing a business to become protected and sustainable. Episode Highlights[04:25] Angie’s Journey [06:24] SMEs and Sustainability [09:33] Role of Legal in Incorporating Sustainability [12:31] Ensuring Alignment to the Business’s Purpose [14:24] When to Hire a Board of Directors or Advisors [15:30] Benefits of Sustainability[17:25] Lawyers in Supply Chain[22:53] Importance of Having Value-Driven Business[25:36] Things to Look Out For in Contracts[29:17] Legal Documents For Incorporating Sustainability[32:51] Starting the Legal Aspect of a BusinessEnjoyed This Podcast?Write a review and share this with your friends.Ready to transform your purpose into an impactful business financial story, profit, and joy? Schedule a chat with the Profit Reimagined™ Team.

Role of Lawyers in Building Purpose-Driven Businesses - The Journey of Angie Redecopp

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