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The One Career-Sabotaging Emotion You Need To Throw In The Trash
The One Career-Sabotaging Emotion You Need To Throw In The Trash

The One Career-Sabotaging Emotion You Need To Throw In The Trash

Ep #242: The One Career-Sabotaging Emotion You Need To Throw In The TrashAs the brilliant corporate badass that you are, you’ve probably learned that it’s healthier to make friends with your emotions than to push them down. You know that following your joy, giving yourself space to have a good cry, or channeling your anger into motivation can have a powerful impact on your career and life. But there’s one emotion I don’t want you to accept, make friends with, or even tolerate. In fact, I’d love for you to slam dunk this emotion right into the trash. That emotion? Judgment. Judgment is such a useless and dangerous emotion because we can’t be kind to ourselves when we’re living in judgment. So in this episode of Women Changing Leadership with Stacy Mayer, I’m breaking down exactly why judgment is so toxic for you and your career—and sharing a powerful tool to help you toss it aside for good.Unlock the missing piece in your leadership development. Take the quiz: www.ReadytoBePromoted.com

The One Career-Sabotaging Emotion You Need To Throw In The Trash

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