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92: Strengthening Family Relationships Holistically with Katie Crosby
92: Strengthening Family Relationships Holistically with Katie Crosby

92: Strengthening Family Relationships Holistically with Katie Crosby

Understanding the family in a holistic approach helps us address various issues and improve the well-being and the relationships within the family as a single unit. Since families are interconnected systems and so, the behavior and experiences of a single member of the family may affect everyone. Join us in today’s episode with occupational therapist Katie Crosby as we talk about how she started guiding parents in nurturing and supporting their family to strengthen their relationships and promote a sense of security and how she supports both kids and adults to evolve into more of who they are.Show Highlights:How things have evolved for KatieWorking with parents and whole families.Is there a common issue that mothers or parents struggle with?All women are capable of being a mother.What Rewriting the Mother Code means to KatieCheck out Katie’s website (https://www.thrivinglittles.com/) where you can access her blog and shop. You can also reach her via email (hello@thrivinglittles.com). 

92: Strengthening Family Relationships Holistically with Katie Crosby

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