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Episode #66: The Surprising Benefits of Having a Side Gig: Finding Joy and Financial Security with Jessica Winter
Episode #66: The Surprising Benefits of Having a Side Gig: Finding Joy and Financial Security with Jessica Winter

Episode #66: The Surprising Benefits of Having a Side Gig: Finding Joy and Financial Security with Jessica Winter

Ever feel guilty about having a side job or staying in your full time job while building you business? Ever feel like a failure because your business isn’t fully supporting you yet or giving you the life you desire right now?  Well we’ve got a great conversation for you that will shift your mindset, fears, and the stigma around working multiple jobs, being multi-passionate, or even changing your mind in business. This week on The Fearless Female Entrepreneur, I’m joined by my guest, Jessica Winter, where we delve into the realities of building a business while working a job on the side. We get real and raw and discuss the pressure to make entrepreneurship a full-time income and the impact it can have on our mental health. Jessica shares her experience of balancing her business and a side gig, why she likes  doing both, how it fills the needs she has at the moment.  We really take you on a journey of breaking free from societal expectations, and giving you permission to fill your needs the way you need to in this moment of your life.  We take you beyond the highlight reel you see on social media, to the behind the scenes truth about what it takes and looks like to run a business. So grab your headphones, your favorite hot beverage and let’s jump in! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are I’m READY to become the woman who has all she desires. If you’re tired of sitting on the sidelines watching everyone succeed, wondering when you’ll make you’re dreams happen, If you want to step into unwavering confidence and show up in your life and business with a renewed energy and unstoppable mindset, If you want to stop second guessing or letting doubts and fears stop you, If you are ready to feel purposeful, fulfilled, abundance and joy in all areas of your life… Then BREAKTHROUGH is perfect for you. BREAKTHROUGH is my signature coaching program and we work together to guide you to release the SHOULDS and finally call the shots in your life and business. This is where you make powerful, transformative shifts in your mindset, beliefs, perspectives and actions so that you are leading yourself to live life and create a business YOUR way. This program is designed to help you find what’s holding you back, completely reframe your beliefs so you lead with empowering thoughts, deeply connect to what you desire and who you will be when you get there and have you leading your thoughts beliefs and actions every single day so they truly align to what you desire to be experiencing in your life. If you’re interested in learning more, visit: https://start.katerinakormas.com/breakthroughinfo-2398-7792 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow Jessica Winter Instagram: @thejessicawinter Youtube: https://youtube.com/@thejessicawinter?si=wKY0LYx7DaLKlTZb Follow Katerina Instagram: @Katerina.Kormas Website: www.katerinakormas.com Did you hear something you loved today? Leave a review, so others know what to expect from the show! And don’t forget to Subscribe so you receive the latest episodes right when they launch!    

Episode #66: The Surprising Benefits of Having a Side Gig: Finding Joy and Financial Security with Jessica Winter

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