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Why Meta Matters with Cathy Hackl
Why Meta Matters with Cathy Hackl

Why Meta Matters with Cathy Hackl

You’ve heard the Internet buzzing about it—virtual reality. Digital currency. A cyberspace like none other we’ve ever seen before. All of these terms amount to… The metaverse. On this week’s Yes Factor with Winnie Sun, Cathy Hackl aka “The Chief Metaverse Officer” is here for a chat about the latest talk of the town: the metaverse, and what exactly it holds for the future of our businesses and our lives. You’re going to want to strap yourselves in for a deep dive into the new age of technology.  “This is not slowing down. We are on a high-speed train. Destination: Metaverse.”

Why Meta Matters with Cathy Hackl

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