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Combating Long Covid with Diana Berrent
Combating Long Covid with Diana Berrent

Combating Long Covid with Diana Berrent

On this week’s episode of Yes Factor, we’re going straight to the experts to share live-saving answers. I’m so honored to have Diana Berrent, founder of Survivor Corps. Survivor Corps is the largest and most powerful Covid movement in the word dedicated to providing information and education for Covid-19 patients, participating and supporting medical research efforts, and facilitating a national Covid-19 response. Diana was one of the first initial cases of the coronavirus in the US and has since then mobilized hundreds of thousands of survivors to advocate for Covid-19 patients and provide accurate resources to support them during challenging times. I am in awe of her impact and contribution to the community because she is fighting for our livelihoods and raising awareness to things we would’ve brushed off, such as Long Covid.  Please listen and share this episode and raise awareness about Covid resources! Check out survivorcorps.com

Combating Long Covid with Diana Berrent

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