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Ep #314: Why It’s Hard to Let Yourself Feel Your Feelings (Part 3)
Ep #314: Why It’s Hard to Let Yourself Feel Your Feelings (Part 3)

Ep #314: Why It’s Hard to Let Yourself Feel Your Feelings (Part 3)

#314: Do you ever find it hard to let yourself truly feel your feelings?In a world that values constant productivity, it's easy to see emotions as inconvenient roadblocks. But what if feeling our feelings is actually the key to deeper connection with ourselves and others?Join me on the podcast this week as we unpack the role of perfectionism, fear of rejection, and societal conditioning in blocking our emotional expression. Together, we'll explore gentle, somatic practices to help you reconnect with your body and build the capacity to feel.Get full show notes, transcript, and more information here: https://beatrizalbina.com/314

Ep #314: Why It’s Hard to Let Yourself Feel Your Feelings (Part 3)

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