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Relactation and Induced Lactation | Dr. Jack Newman
Relactation and Induced Lactation | Dr. Jack Newman

Relactation and Induced Lactation | Dr. Jack Newman

What is the difference between relactation and induced lactation? Can women achieve full milk supply? What factors best predict supply? Protocol for inducing lactation. Use of domperidone, doses, risks. Health care team leading these protocols. All of this and more, with this international renowned expert in the breastfeeding world: Dr. Jack Newman. Contact information: www.ibconline.ca Patrocinado por: Medela. Puedes encontrarlo en Walmart, punto de venta y en redes Lactana. Lo encuentras en lactana.com.mx, Amazon y MercadoLibre

Relactation and Induced Lactation | Dr. Jack Newman

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