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Child Assessment - Really? Why would you want to label your child?
Child Assessment - Really? Why would you want to label your child?

Child Assessment - Really? Why would you want to label your child?

In this episode  Jennifer and Charity discuss the events that led up to having their children assessed and what that looks like. Is it important?  Does it help or impair the child in some way?  Everyone's journey will look a little different and that is ok. Psychoeducational evaluation is a process by which a trained professional works with those involved in a child's learning or development to identify the child's strengths and weaknesses. Its goal is to enhance everyone's ability to help the child be as successful as possible.  - www.afsa.org,A Parent's Guide to Psychoeducational Evaluationschild , assessment , teacher , talking , ADHD , psychologist , school , daughter, hearing , kids , test , label , spectrum , people , unicorns , learning , feel , parents , resources.

Child Assessment - Really? Why would you want to label your child?

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