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Climate Change On Your Plate | ft. Sanjeeb Mukherjee
Climate Change On Your Plate | ft. Sanjeeb Mukherjee

Climate Change On Your Plate | ft. Sanjeeb Mukherjee

Climate crisis unfolding in India will first impact our plates! Farms lands, agri commodities, coastal areas are in ten first line of impact from climate change induced extreme weather conditions. Not only does it spike the cost of food, several researchers say it alters its taste and texture too. Close to 60% of India population is dependent on farming as primary employment. Extreme weather is now playing huge role in food inflation in India. To understand what is happening to our food givers and how the Indian economy can cope up, we talked with Sanjeeb Mukherjee, Agriculture Editor, Business Standard. Mukherjee has been a journalist for more than two decades and has been closely covering India's rural, agriculture sector and the food economy. An incisive reporter, Mukherjee regularly travels across the country to understand the changes on the ground, innovations which are making our farmlands better and what the other India outside our cities want.   Full transcript of the episode is available in English   Presented by 101Reporters   Sanjeeb Mukherjee is on Twitter and LinkedInFollow TIEH podcast on Twitter, Linkedin & YouTubeOur hosts, Shreya Jai on Twitter, Linkedin & Dr. Sandeep Pai on Twitter, Linkedin

Climate Change On Your Plate | ft. Sanjeeb Mukherjee

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