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The Journey From An Arranged Marriage (at 15) to Empowered Woman.  How Doris, Inc. Was Born.
The Journey From An Arranged Marriage (at 15) to Empowered Woman.  How Doris, Inc. Was Born.

The Journey From An Arranged Marriage (at 15) to Empowered Woman. How Doris, Inc. Was Born.

At 15 years old -- Doris's life was pre-determined.  Not so fast.   Hello Doris Inc.  In 10th grade, Doris an Orthodox Christian Arab, happily learns she will marry Marcelle.   Doris is controlled first by her parents and next by her mother-in-law.  As the years progressed, Doris dreamed about independence.  After an Oscar-nominated movie is filmed in her rough neighborhood in Jaffa, Doris grabs her opportunity.  Listen to Doris's personal story of how she no longer says 'Yes  sir" but rather "Yes."   Doris has become a sensation with politicians and celebrities flocking to hear her special story of empowerment.   Doris Inc. was launched.  Join me for this inspiring story; it’s the best eighteen minutes you’ll spend today.Please do three things: Subscribe to our podcast through your favorite platform.Share with a few of your friends today.Visit our website at http://findinginspiration.lifeIn this episode we cover:Doris has hosted over 4,000 people in her home in Ajami (Jaffa).Doris shares what it was like to live in a tightly controlled childhood home and how her experience was typical of all her contemporaries in the Islamic culture. Doris has a revelation that her life should be more in her control.    Doris shares how her upbringing and marriage were a continuation of not being allowed to make decisions and how much of her life was pre-determined by her Arab Christian culture. Doris said: "I understood that our daughters were the product."An Oscar-nominated movie is filmed in her neighborhood.  Following that, tour groups started walking around to see where the movie was filmed. Doris excitedly jumps at the chance to re-make her image and build her self-confidence.Today, thousands of people have sat in Doris's home to hear her personal story and learn more about the Arab Christian culture.As an Orthodox Christian Arab who was born in Jaffa, Doris shares how the Ajami neighborhood catapulted her into hostessing as a business. Doris shares about the modern role and expectations of women today. US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, Sarah Jessica Parker, New crews, and Mayors eagerly listen to Doris'personal empowerment triumph.Amazing Informative Links: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1077262/https://www.jpost.com/opinion/grapevine-lured-by-home-hospitality-600775https://www.jaffastoriesandcoffee.com/https://www.viator.com/tours/Tel-Aviv/Jaffa-Cultural-Stories-and-Coffee/d920-110735P1https://www.ynetnews.com/magazine/article/sk4v00qbbyhttps://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g297749-d17559583-Reviews-Doris_Hiffawi-Jaffa_Tel_Aviv_Tel_Aviv_District.htmhttps://daattravel.com/photoblog/doris-coffee-for-a-change/

The Journey From An Arranged Marriage (at 15) to Empowered Woman. How Doris, Inc. Was Born.

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