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A Deep Dive Into Hostage Negotiation With The Author of "Proof Of Life"
A Deep Dive Into Hostage Negotiation With The Author of "Proof Of Life"

A Deep Dive Into Hostage Negotiation With The Author of "Proof Of Life"

What is life like in hot conflict zones?  What happens when a foreigner is kidnapped in the Middle East? How does the war economy work?  Check out this conversation with author Daniel Levin.  He is a lawyer turned arm conflict negotiator.  In 2021, Daniel published a book called “Proof of Life: Twenty Days on the Hunt for a Missing Person in the Middle East.”   Exceptionally well-connected in the Middle East through foundation work, Daniel is active in conflict zones and is often asked to help with missing people.  This intense and suspenseful book is about the search for an American named Paul.  Daniel draws on deep historical and personal perspectives in our far-ranging conversation.   Join me for this inspiring story; it's the best twenty-five minutes you'll spend today.Call To Action - Please Help Me Share This Episode: Click on FOLLOW this podcast through your favorite platform.Share this episode with a few of your friends today.Visit the website at http://findinginspiration.life.Transcript reading time: 8-minutesIn this episode, we cover:Daniel shares how Paul was captured by a gang that was primarily trading, manufacturing, and trading Captagon, an amphetamine. He traveled from Instanbul to Beirut and Amman, and then Dubai and twice to Syria.  Daniel chases the gang leader all the way through the Middle East and into the Gulf States. Why the hardest part is obtaining reliable information. How Daniel negotiates for the release of hostages. What not to do if you are abducted.Understand the policy shifts: "It's not unthinkable that the relationship will change between the US and Israel.  And anyone who thinks that's unthinkable is simply putting his or her head in the sand."   What is the role of the Abraham Accords in the future of the Middle East?Destabilization of various countries in the Middle East and if there is a path forward.How the war economy works in the real world. Resources from this Episode:https://www.daniellevinauthor.com/ https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/18/books/review/proof-of-life-daniel-levin.html

A Deep Dive Into Hostage Negotiation With The Author of "Proof Of Life"

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