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149 | Vulnerable Dr. Alex Kirui | Part 2 | Rhodes Scholarship Rejections
149 | Vulnerable Dr. Alex Kirui | Part 2 | Rhodes Scholarship Rejections

149 | Vulnerable Dr. Alex Kirui | Part 2 | Rhodes Scholarship Rejections

Dr Alex Kirui's PhD research work was focused on complex carbohydrates and relevant bio-molecules. This involved Integrating solid-state NMR and dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) techniques to investigate lignin-carbohydrate packing in grasses and woods as well as glycan structures in fungi and algae. In this episode, he talks about how he got another PhD scholarship without a master's in the United States at Louisiana State University and explains the whole painful process especially when not having airfare and visa support from the scholarship. He also talks about looking for a job as a science graduate while trying to survive in Nairobi.If you want to be Vulnerable on the show, send me an audio message either on speak pipe (https://www.speakpipe.com/VulnerableScientistVoicemail ) or anchor (https://anchor.fm/thevulnerablescientist/message).Feel free to reach out too if you want to talk about a certain topic in the science career space or anything as a scientist that might have nothing to with science but affects scientists. The podcast is on social media @TVscientistPod and Website; TheVulnerablescientist.com.You can support the show (https://www.patreon.com/thevulnerablescientist) on Patreon or Paypal sarahnyanchera(at)gmail or Mpesa at (254)0718-896-962 under Sarah Nyakeri. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

149 | Vulnerable Dr. Alex Kirui | Part 2 | Rhodes Scholarship Rejections

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