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Don't Lose Your Joy In The Pursuit Of Success with Robert Bass
Don't Lose Your Joy In The Pursuit Of Success with Robert Bass

Don't Lose Your Joy In The Pursuit Of Success with Robert Bass

The pursuit of entrepreneurial success is a long and hard journey with many sacrifices and  a lot of dark days.Robert Bass says, YES it's going to be challenging but it doesn't have to be life draining. Every area of our lives can be fruitful, filled with joy and love, if we make that our intention. Robert Bass  is an entrepreneur, author, pastor dedicated to encouraging others through the word of God. His passion is to help people grow to their full potential. Robert's pick for the Leaders Are Readers Series:7 Habits OF Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey Please grab a copy of Robert's Book, Hidden Fruits at https://www.hiddenfruitbook.com/P.S Please leave a review of this episode in your podcast listening app. Much appreciated 😊It's time to REINVENT! #CounterCultureSuccess

Don't Lose Your Joy In The Pursuit Of Success with Robert Bass

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