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If I want to move abroad where do I start?  Expat Teacher, contented traveller  Janeen, talks about how she did it.
If I want to move abroad where do I start?  Expat Teacher, contented traveller  Janeen, talks about how she did it.

If I want to move abroad where do I start? Expat Teacher, contented traveller Janeen, talks about how she did it.

Janeen has lived in Kuwait, Turkey, and now Ecuador. She has been away from America for 7 years, and finds that the definition of home is a bit skewed now. Janeen wondered what else was out there and found that the teaching profession in America did not provide enough of a teaching salary for her to enjoy traveling abroad regularly. Therefore, living in a more centralized place for travel, afforded her more travel. As a teacher from America she easily found work teaching at an international school abroad and was able, in 2 years, to get out of debt, accrued from student loans. Janeen found that the best financial packages were from schools in the Middle East and Asia, and she chose Kuwait. Janeen found the teaching opportunities through the following websites: teachaway.com  and TIEonline.com. Janeen eventually wanted to take a break from working and had saved enough money to do so. She then relocated to a Latin American country, Ecudaor, which was very affordable. Janeen is teaching English , 20 hours a week online  and also discovering what other options, skill sets, abilities, she has that can translate outside classroom. She has the flexibility to choose her schedule now and travel more and enjoy her free time more. If you want more inside knowledge about life in Kuwait , life in Istanbul / Turkey , life in Ecuador , and want to listen to Janeen talk about teaching, that she chose teaching because she wanted to help children to learn , work with children, and help them to learn to read, tune into episode 47.   Follow the podcast via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/consultantexpat/ (here) Via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/consultantexpat/ (here) Via twitter https://twitter.com/ConsultantExpat (here) Via pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/consultantexpat/ (here) Via Youtube https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCiQvzo9mIkhCqXTg0wfa27A/editing/details (here) Download the FREE teaching online PDF, https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/freebie-deals/ (here), and make money anywhere! In need of health insurance when traveling or living abroad? Check out SafetyWing , which I personally use and am an ambassador of . Click https://safetywing.com/nomad-insurance/?referenceID=24902923&utm_source=24902923&utm_medium=Ambassador (here). (Disclosure: I may earn a small fee is you purchase a SafetyWing product)

If I want to move abroad where do I start? Expat Teacher, contented traveller Janeen, talks about how she did it.

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