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Riffeth, from Sri Lanka, is on a  journey to the heart of self-realization as an expat, while also enjoying Malaysian restaurants
Riffeth, from Sri Lanka, is on a  journey to the heart of self-realization as an expat, while also enjoying Malaysian restaurants

Riffeth, from Sri Lanka, is on a journey to the heart of self-realization as an expat, while also enjoying Malaysian restaurants

Riffeth is from Sri Lanka and is on a journey to the heart of self-realization as an expat. While he enjoys the many different Malaysian restaurants in Kuala Lumpur, his real journey is within himself. He is exploring what it means to be living in a foreign country and learning more about himself. Riffeth is grateful for the opportunity to live abroad and learn (thanks to the travel and technology company that he works for), and Riffeth looks forward to continuing his journey in the years to come! Listen to my interview with episode 39 guest Riffeth on the Are we home yet? podcast! Journey to the Heart of Self-Realization The journey to the heart of self-realization can be a long and difficult one. It requires us to confront our fears and insecurities and to let go of the untrue beliefs that we have about ourselves. But it is also a journey that is full of rewards. As we discover our true identity, we also find a deep sense of peace and happiness. We come to know ourselves as infinitely worthy and deserving of love. We come to see that we are perfect just as we are. And we come to feel a profound sense of connectedness with all beings. Those who can reach the heart of self-realization often find that they can lead richer, more satisfying lives. They are better able to connect with others and find deeper meaning in their relationships. They are also more likely to experience a sense of inner peace and well-being. In short, the journey to the heart of self-realization is a journey that can change your life for the better. There is no one answer to the question of what self-realization is. For some people, it may simply mean coming to a greater understanding of their own thoughts and feelings. For others, it may involve reaching a higher level of consciousness or understanding the true nature of reality. Regardless of what it means for individual people, self-realization is a process that often requires deep introspection and reflection. In many cases, it is only through coming to know ourselves that we can hope to achieve anything else in life. That being said, the journey of self-realization is unique to everyone, and there is no single path that leads to it. For some, it may happen spontaneously; for others, it may be the result of years of dedicated effort. Ultimately, though, self-realization is something that we all have the potential to experience. The term "self-realization" is often used in psychology to describe the process of coming to a fuller understanding of one's own identity. However, it can also be applied to the expatriate experience. For many expats, the process of self-realization begins when they first leave their home country. This can be a time of great excitement and opportunity, but it can also be a period of uncertainty and self-doubt. As expats settle into their new lives, they often find themselves questioning their previous assumptions about who they are and what they want out of life. Through trial and error, they gradually develop a new sense of self that is more in line with their new circumstances. In some cases, this process leads to major life changes, such as a new career or a move to a different country. For expats, self-realization is an ongoing journey that can provide valuable insights into both their own identities and the world around them. For many people, living abroad is about more than just seeing new places. It can also be about finding oneself. This was certainly the case for Riffeth when he decided to move abroad. Leaving his home country behind, Sri Lanka, he felt like he was embarking on a journey of self-discovery. And in many ways, he was. Living in a new culture and learning to navigate a new way of life has forced him to step outside of his comfort zone and understand better who he is and what he wants out of life. It has at times been a challenging and sometimes difficult experience, but ultimately it was also one of the most rewarding...

Riffeth, from Sri Lanka, is on a journey to the heart of self-realization as an expat, while also enjoying Malaysian restaurants

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