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82: Culture, Personalities and Literacy around Money with Lisa Severing
82: Culture, Personalities and Literacy around Money with Lisa Severing

82: Culture, Personalities and Literacy around Money with Lisa Severing

FULL SHOW NOTES with links on Balancingstories.com ….. Episode 82: Balancing Culture, Personalities and Literacy around Money with Lisa Severing ….. How do we feel about money? What is our normal with financial literacy? In this conversation, we look at the connection between sociology and finance: looking back at the influences of upbringing, culture, personalities and access to literacy around money. Lisa Severing and I use our stories to explore the bigger picture of how we manage ourselves with saving, spending, investing and debt. Listen to hear all about Meghan’s squirrel-ness (functional and not so functional), and great finance tips for everyone. Lisa says, managing money is not magic, it is a skill to be learned and everyone can do it!

82: Culture, Personalities and Literacy around Money with Lisa Severing

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