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Economic Trends, Flexible Labor, and High Turnover Rates
Economic Trends, Flexible Labor, and High Turnover Rates

Economic Trends, Flexible Labor, and High Turnover Rates

This episode will go over economic trends in Central America between 1997 and 2006, focusing on the economic achievements and obstacles of women in the region, the recomposition of the Tijuana maquiladora female labor force, and reviewing several arguments about the exploitive or empowering work for women in the maquila sector. Gender Equality Observatory for Latin America and the Caribbean. (2020, October 11). Interrelationship of the autonomies. Gender Equality Observatory for Latin America and the Caribbean. https://oig.cepal.org/en/autonomies/interrelationship-autonomies. Goldín, L. R. (2011). LABOR TURNOVER AMONG MAQUILADORA WORKERS OF HIGHLAND GUATEMALA: Resistance and semiproletarianization in global capitalism.Latin American Research Review, 46(3), 133-156. https://doi.org/10.1353/lar.2011.0043 Fussell, E. (2000). Making Labor Flexible: The Recomposition of Tijuana’s Maquiladora Female Labor Force. Feminist Economics, 6(3), 59–79. https://doi.org/10.1080/135457000750020137 Kabeer, Naila. 2004. ‘‘Globalization, Labor Standards, and Women’s Rights: Dilemmas of Collective (In)Action in an Interdependent World.’’ Feminist Economics 10(1): 3–35. “World Bank. 2012. A Gender (R)evolution in the Making? Expanding Women's Economic Opportunities in Central America : A Decade in Review. Washington, DC. © World Bank. https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/12468License: CC BY 3.0 IGO.”

Economic Trends, Flexible Labor, and High Turnover Rates

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