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Quitting her job with nothing lined up to travel the US in a van
Quitting her job with nothing lined up to travel the US in a van

Quitting her job with nothing lined up to travel the US in a van

What do you do once you quit a job you thought you wanted with nothing lined up? That’s what we get into with Cynthia Phan in this episode. Starting from her aspirations for law school and ultimately attaining both bachelor's and master's degrees in computer science, Cynthia's professional evolution has taken her through roles as an engineer and product manager, leading to her current role as Director of Marketing at Generation She. Tune in as she candidly shares her experiences in managing personal relationships, navigating career uncertainties, and embarking on a full-time road trip sabbatical to discover what she wanted to pursue.

Quitting her job with nothing lined up to travel the US in a van

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