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Fida Muljono | Indonesia | 'Distortion Of Reality' Among Youth |
Fida Muljono | Indonesia | 'Distortion Of Reality' Among Youth |

Fida Muljono | Indonesia | 'Distortion Of Reality' Among Youth |

Welcome to Wide Angle Conversations DEI talks, I am your host Taruna Aggarwal. I am an Executive and Life Coach. My passion is to empower youth  and young adults with a Mental Fitness level that will help them to navigate life and impact positive change for the wellbeing of our people and our planet. Coaching is a powerful tool and must be recognised as a profession that can support mental wellbeing and help prevent mental health issues.I am in conversation today with Fida Muljono. Fida is based in Jakarta, Indonesia. She too is committed to nurturing the mental well-being of the younger generation, aiding them in building their true selves. Fida is a parenting and intercultural coach with a rich background in psychology and anthropology. She has dedicated three decades to transformative work in her field. Her expertise extends to working with teens and young adults, both individually and within diverse settings such as schools, institutions, and companies. Simultaneously, she empowers adults, reinforcing their resilience and guiding them towards becoming robust individuals in the face of life's challenges.  Her profound impact on individuals and communities reflects her steady dedication to fostering mental health and personal growth in a dynamic world.In this episode, we are going to talk about the 'distortion of reality' among youth from teens to 30s in an increasingly BANI world (Brittle,  Anxious, Nonlinear and Incomprehensible) world,  how it impacts their mental wellbeing, the factors that are causing it, and how we can support our youth towards being more aware and develop a positive and flexible mindset to navigate life. This conversations is relevant to  the youth, parents, schools, organizations, coaches and para professionals supporting mental wellbeing.

Fida Muljono | Indonesia | 'Distortion Of Reality' Among Youth |

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