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S.02_EP08: Coffee Story from Yemen
S.02_EP08: Coffee Story from Yemen

S.02_EP08: Coffee Story from Yemen

Yemen - a country torn apart by almost a decade-long civil war was once used to be the epitome of prosperity and wealth. A country that gave us one of our favorite beans that also happens to wake up most of the world every morning - Coffee. In this episode, we will go back and revisit that glorious nation Yemen used to be and discover its true colors through a folktale that has aged like wine or better to say like coffee - still as fresh and aromatic as it can be!! Sit back, unwind, and check it out over a cup of freshly brewed coffee!! Happy listening!! ______________________ Social Media: Instagram: ohhfolk_podcast | Twitter: OhhFolk_Podcast | Facebook: OhhFolk | ______________________ * Story narrated from the book: From the Land of Sheba: Yemeni Folk Tales | Retold by Carolyn Han with Kamal Ali al-Hegri. URL: https://archive.org/details/fromlandofsheba00caro/page/n9/mode/2up (Internet Archive is an open access public archive platform) * Original music score (intro, bumpers, primarily show beds): by Abhishek Papan Dutt * All SFX and additional ambiance music pieces - https://freesound.org/ (Please donate and help if you are using their resource) --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ohhfolk/message Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ohhfolk/support

S.02_EP08: Coffee Story from Yemen

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