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The Founder Transforming HR Benefits for Employees with Amy Spurling, CEO of Compt.
The Founder Transforming HR Benefits for Employees with Amy Spurling, CEO of Compt.

The Founder Transforming HR Benefits for Employees with Amy Spurling, CEO of Compt.

Amy Spurling is the Founder and CEO of Compt, a company specializing in HR software. Their platform enables companies to offer personalized perks that comply with tax regulations and cater to global teams. With extensive experience, including three CFO and two COO roles, Amy emphasizes the importance of supporting employees for enhanced company performance. Over her nearly two-decade career in executive positions at venture-backed firms, she has successfully secured over ten rounds of financing totaling more than $200 million and completed two acquisitions.

The Founder Transforming HR Benefits for Employees with Amy Spurling, CEO of Compt.

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