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51. The Cave: A Secret Underground Hospital and One Woman's Story of Resilience in Syria w/ Dr. Amani Ballour
51. The Cave: A Secret Underground Hospital and One Woman's Story of Resilience in Syria w/ Dr. Amani Ballour

51. The Cave: A Secret Underground Hospital and One Woman's Story of Resilience in Syria w/ Dr. Amani Ballour

War. bombings. Terror. Is history repeating itself? We see it happening all around the world. And today's episode is about resilience in the face of war. In this episode Dr. Amani Ballour, a Syrian pediatrician and activist discussesHer upbringing in a conservative Syrian communityHer path to becoming a doctor against societal expectationsand her intense experiences managing an underground hospital during the Syrian conflict. She details the challenges of treating victims of chemical attacks with limited resources and the normalization of violence in war zones. Dr. Ballour also speaks on the discrimination she faced as a female leader in a war-torn area, emphasizing the importance of women's roles in healthcare and leadership. Her story highlights the resilience of those working under extreme conditions to provide care and hope amidst chaos.Get her book on Amazon: The CaveCheck out the shownotes to learn more!

51. The Cave: A Secret Underground Hospital and One Woman's Story of Resilience in Syria w/ Dr. Amani Ballour

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