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Two Tips on Navigating Difficult Times, Including Witnessing The Destruction of Gaza
Two Tips on Navigating Difficult Times, Including Witnessing The Destruction of Gaza

Two Tips on Navigating Difficult Times, Including Witnessing The Destruction of Gaza

It was a combination of an unexpected tragic event that I witnessed recently and the continuous witnessing of Israel’s mass murder in Gaza that sparked this episode. In it, I share two reminders with you that can help when you’re navigating difficult times.One, it’s a reminder to give yourself some grace. Can you acknowledge that it IS a tough situation you never had to navigate before?Two, it’s a reminder that you still have your values and principles and ways how you want to show up in this world. You already have tools and you can always look for more.It’s what I need to remind myself every day. And I know that it’s so many of us witnessing genocide being unleashed onto Gaza have to do, too — to simply continue our lives but also to continue speaking out, according to our integrity.

Two Tips on Navigating Difficult Times, Including Witnessing The Destruction of Gaza

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