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Are You Missing One Essential Thing in Your Empowerment Journey?
Are You Missing One Essential Thing in Your Empowerment Journey?

Are You Missing One Essential Thing in Your Empowerment Journey?

I can't say my third season is on the topic of empowerment if I don't address one major part of it: our physical health. Why? Because no matter how important it is to manage your thoughts (and I talk about ALL THE TIME), you simply can't intellectualise yourself into health. "Health" is super broad, I know. But this is where the good news is: there are SO many areas you can choose to explore and learn about. In my episode, I explain why, according to science, it's important and what those broad categories can be. You can also find strong podcast recommendations (by doctors and scientists) here: https://bit.ly/3PJgcGt

Are You Missing One Essential Thing in Your Empowerment Journey?

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