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Are You Empowering Your Friends?
Are You Empowering Your Friends?

Are You Empowering Your Friends?

You can never know how powerful a word of appreciation and encouragement can be.So why whyyyy would you hold back? Especially when you mean it. Choose to be that caring and encouraging friend. That's it! That's the gist of my quick episode. Choose to empower your friends ❤️ The whole third season of my podcast is about empowerment and since there's only one video/podcast episode left before I go into a quick break in August, I thought it would simply be incomplete without reminding you of this: YOU have the power to encourage others.YOU have your sphere of influence.YOU can choose to empower your loved ones, just like you'd like to be pushed. So please please please, don't think of compliments and words of encouragements as of some finite resource.Use them when they feel genuine. Be an active participant in your own life -- including affecting the ones around you. Find this episode as a video on Youtube here: https://youtu.be/CnMa6Lvkixs

Are You Empowering Your Friends?

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