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Welcome to Season 4! But Why Am I Really Here?
Welcome to Season 4! But Why Am I Really Here?

Welcome to Season 4! But Why Am I Really Here?

I am very excited to be back and I've decided to make my fourth season all about GETTING REAL. It's about asking questions that are more uncomfortable, connecting the dots between the inner and the outer, and sharing a more authentic me with you. And you know, I start by doing exactly that: by telling you how I see Investigative Selfism and what bigger meaning it has in terms of my life mission. I'm also inviting you to continue on that uncomfortable journey of learning and unlearning. Because no matter how not fun it might be sometimes, what's REALLY not fun is never unlearning everything that has been installed in us like some outdated and limiting software.

Welcome to Season 4! But Why Am I Really Here?

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