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Let's Get Real About Our Social Circle
Let's Get Real About Our Social Circle

Let's Get Real About Our Social Circle

Who we surround ourselves with is - it sucks to admit but science shows it's true - who we are in the end (well, not completely, but you know what I mean). So let's get real about what that circle is and how to make sure it's what truly supports and inspires us. The questions I’m inviting you to ask aren’t comfortable (but that’s the point): In short: yes, there is, but it all starts with that awareness (yep, can’t escape that one).I also share my stories that include both being in a small town and switching continents 👀 How is that circle, really?How do the people in your life make you feel?When you talk about ‘creating value’, what do you mean?And is there something you can consciously change? In short: yes, there is, but it all starts with that awareness (yep, can't escape that one).I also share my stories that include both being in a small town and switching continents:) Find the original video here: https://youtu.be/4D_wX7WFBWw?si=JIJDbHcY1fvJFSUf

Let's Get Real About Our Social Circle

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