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TV Show catch-up: Lost (s1-2) and Ted Lasso (s1)
TV Show catch-up: Lost (s1-2) and Ted Lasso (s1)

TV Show catch-up: Lost (s1-2) and Ted Lasso (s1)

In this podcast episode, hosts Nina and Anya discuss their current TV show obsessions, primarily focusing on 'Lost' and 'Ted Lasso.' They provide insights into why they were initially hesitant about starting 'Lost' due to its length and the divisive reaction to its ending but share their appreciation for its complex characters and unfolding mysteries. They promise not to spoil beyond the first two seasons of 'Lost' and discuss their favorite characters and theories about the show's ending, emphasizing its character-driven narrative. Transitioning to 'Ted Lasso,' they express how surprisingly impactful and deep the show is despite its comedic surface, discussing character development, the positive message of the show, and their predictions for the story's progression. They conclude by encouraging the audience to give these shows a chance while reflecting on the themes of forgiveness, growth, and the intricate crafting of character arcs. FOLLOW US: Instagram: @⁠morethanfictionpod⁠ TikTok: @⁠morethanfiction⁠

TV Show catch-up: Lost (s1-2) and Ted Lasso (s1)

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