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Erin Hoover Discusses Her Book' "No Spare People" and Poetry
Erin Hoover Discusses Her Book' "No Spare People" and Poetry

Erin Hoover Discusses Her Book' "No Spare People" and Poetry

NO SPARE PEOPLE documents the joys and perils of a tiny mother-daughter family navigating life on the margins. From poems about finding autonomy as a queer, unpartnered parent by choice in the South to those chronicling a generation's economic instability, Hoover rejects so-called "acceptable losses" stemming from inequalities of gender, race, and class. The book asks, what happens to the woman no longer willing to live a lie? How does language invent not only identity, but possibility? Order "No Spare People" fromĀ Amazon right here https://a.co/d/87HOvSB About the author: Erin Hoover is the author of two poetry collections, Barnburner (2018) and No Spare People (forthcoming in 2023, Black Lawrence Press). Her poems have appeared in The Best American Poetry and Best New Poets, and in journals such as Cincinnati Review, Florida Review, Poetry Northwest, and Shenandoah. She lives in rural Tennessee and teaches creative writing at Tennessee Tech.

Erin Hoover Discusses Her Book' "No Spare People" and Poetry

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