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Ep 362: Life's Biggest Money Regrets (And How To Avoid Them)
Ep 362: Life's Biggest Money Regrets (And How To Avoid Them)

Ep 362: Life's Biggest Money Regrets (And How To Avoid Them)

Have you ever thought about what you might regret at the end of your life? What if there was a way to know what those regrets are right now? Hospice doctor Jordan Grumet has heard firsthand from his patients about what they wish they’d done differently, and he’s published those insights in his book, “Taking Stock.” Jordan joins us to talk about how we can all achieve a fulfilling and regret-free life, and how we can use money as a tool to help us get there. In Mailbag, we answer questions about organizing financial documents and finding a financial advisor. In Thrive, free tax tips for 2023.

Ep 362: Life's Biggest Money Regrets (And How To Avoid Them)

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