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Interview: Sara Rhiannon, the Quit Sugar Coach
Interview: Sara Rhiannon, the Quit Sugar Coach

Interview: Sara Rhiannon, the Quit Sugar Coach

"Shame is a paradigm that distances us from our power. It's a paradigm within ourselves that, when internalized, it keeps us from recognizing our own experience in a variety of ways, and also recognizing our own experience as valuable.... There's this whole culture that tells us to love ourselves, right? And, well, have you even gotten to know yourself? It's like self love just kind of happens when you really get to know yourself."Listen in on a fascinating conversation between Leela Sinha and Sara Rhiannon (she/her), a hypnotist who uses somatic work and other interventions designed to un-shame the psyche. Sara has a particular specialty in helping people remove their cravings for sugar. Sara and Leela discuss the intersections of shame and anti-oppression work; kindness and redemption; creating safety and honesty in working groups; and that mushy feeling in your brain when you're learning something and seeing how your brain can be different than it was. Which, naturally, some people love, and others... well, not so much.Links!Find Sara on Facebook by name, or as quit_sugar_coach on Instagram or TikTok.For more on David Bedrick, visit https://www.davidbedrick.com/For more on Kimberly Shepherd, check out: https://www.kimberlyshepherd.com/Transcript and notes:https://dev.intensivesinstitute.com/episode/interview-sara-rhiannon-the-quit-sugar-coachRecorded 9 June 2023.

Interview: Sara Rhiannon, the Quit Sugar Coach

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