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making (but not emptying) a space
making (but not emptying) a space

making (but not emptying) a space

"What we still don't have is the proverbial clear desk. That "clear mind-clear desk" thing actually puts me into a state of panic."Thinking about making space- and how 'making space' does not mean 'making emptiness.' Also- the full Saga of the Sit-Stand Desk.Here is the photo of Leela's desk:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t7VadexhtFNb3Rj_z1d4yyMg-PnamuIf/view?usp=sharingTranscript and notes:https://dev.intensivesinstitute.com/captivate-podcast/making-but-not-emptying-a-spaceRecorded 8 January 2024.

making (but not emptying) a space

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