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releasing the pressure  (blow the carbon out)
releasing the pressure  (blow the carbon out)

releasing the pressure (blow the carbon out)

"what do we do with with that... fizz? The fizz in the bottle that's been shaken that is going to explode? What do we do with it? ... what I needed, was to let off steam. I needed abandon. I needed to stop being careful, I needed to stop being cautious. I needed to stop placing so many fences around what was okay."Continuing our theme of making space- how do we make space by releasing the pressure that builds up in ourselves? How do we release the tension when the need to do, and the need to not do, press or pull against each other in our selves?"Blow the Carbon Out," a song by LJ Booth:https://youtu.be/ETM-Zc6o7jA?si=NpJYN3Eorhm6vvheTranscript and notes:https://dev.intensivesinstitute.com/captivate-podcast/releasing-the-pressureRecorded 15 January 2024

releasing the pressure (blow the carbon out)

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