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aftercare for intensive release
aftercare for intensive release

aftercare for intensive release

"Adrenaline and cortisol are there to help us run away from tigers. Literally. Now we have all of this adrenaline built up. We have all this cortisol built up. And we don't know what to do with it. Neither does our body. And so how do we blow it off? And then how do we take care of ourselves after we've blown it off?"In the previous episode, we talk about creating intensity in order to release stress and strain. But once we have done that, or after we've done anything emotionally intense, we need care. This is where we can figure out how to hold ourselves, and make sure we're held, in the ways that we need, in order to recover after the pressure is released. And to make this a first priority.The book by Peter Levine that is mentioned is called "Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma." Visit https://www.somaticexperiencing.com/se-books to learn more.Transcript and notes:https://dev.intensivesinstitute.com/captivate-podcast/aftercare-for-intensive-releaseRecorded 15 January 2024.

aftercare for intensive release

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