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way will open
way will open

way will open

"How much are we really going to trust that we take one step and "way will open." And when way opens, how de we trust that we'll go that way?"There is a Quaker saying that we take one step and the way will open. Which we can think of, we may not be able to see the entire path from where we start, but if we take the first step, then the next step will reveal itself. This is not easy for intensives as it involves waiting. It also involves a lot of trust- in ourselves, in our ability to see and take that next step; in our ability to even believe that the path which has revealed itself is the right path for us. And also, a trust in our ability to know when it is time to wait, to rest, to take a deep breath. What is the next step? Where do we go from here? Perhaps, if we take one step- be it a bold one or a tentative one- then way will open.Transcript and notes:https://dev.intensivesinstitute.com/captivate-podcast/way-will-openRecorded 29 January 2024.

way will open

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