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love the ones you know (and break the Golden Rule doing it!)
love the ones you know (and break the Golden Rule doing it!)

love the ones you know (and break the Golden Rule doing it!)

"often the breakdown between us is that we don't communicate with the same kinds of expressions of care. And when we don't use the same expressions of care, that means that it's harder to recognize when someone is caring for you, or caring about you."This is the second episode on our theme of "Love the One You're With." Today, we'll talk more about the differences between intensives and expansives, and how knowing and recognizing these differences can help us better communicate the care we feel for each other. Because recognizing that we have differences helps us realize that one of those differences is in how we know when someone cares for us. So in this case, what is good for me may not, in fact, be good for thee.Check out Sarah Marie Lacy's portrait paintings at https://smlacyart.com/Transcript and notes: https://dev.intensivesinstitute.com/captivate-podcast/love-the-ones-you-knowRecorded 5 February 2024.

love the ones you know (and break the Golden Rule doing it!)

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