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prediction reduces fire drills
prediction reduces fire drills

prediction reduces fire drills

"How do you know who it is that's across from you? What they need, what they want. How you can take care of them, while also under stress and also trying to get a lot of work done. That's where SIEF comes in."Continuing our theme of "Love the One You're With." Life is unpredictable, and people are certainly hard to predict. And the best way for us to show we care for Person A will not be the best way to make Person B feel cared for (especially if person B is an intensive and Person A is an expansive.) So if we try to meet everyone's needs in a general, one-size-fits-all way, then no one's needs will get met. And unmet needs are the root of resentment. But good news- SIEF is a tool we can use to understand the needs of the people around us a little better, which will help us get closer to the goal of meeting everyone's needs, all the time.Transcript and notes:https://dev.intensivesinstitute.com/captivate-podcast/prediction-reduces-fire-drillsRecorded 12 February 2024.

prediction reduces fire drills

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