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honoring the intensity of intensive grief
honoring the intensity of intensive grief

honoring the intensity of intensive grief

"This is the hard part about being intensive: that people have told us all our lives that we're dangerous. And mostly, I will tell you that we are not. That we just need to find the right structures. But the size of our emotional experience means that sometimes we can push ourselves over the edge."Grief is enormous. And there is a lot to grieve. And, as intensives, our ways of expressing grief are often unwelcome (at best) in an expansive culture. How do we honor the intensity of our grief, and process it. And also- how do we remember that we can do that, and so much else, in a community? How do we let others take up our burdens so that we can grieve and rest? And how do we take up those burdens for others? As usual, we will look for answers in community, in relationship, and in the earth. And let's also talk about how to keep our grief from harming us, physically. Because there is a shade of truth in phrases like 'my stomach is tied up into knots." And that truth can be very painful indeed.Relevant Links:About the Tank Man from Tiananmen Square: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tank_ManLeela's Substack! And the new poem: https://leelasinha.substack.com/p/fire-to-earth?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 The Conspirituality Podcast discusses Project 2025: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/187-project-2025-an-authoritarian-conspiracy/id1515827446?i=1000640530495Transcript and notes: https://dev.intensivesinstitute.com/captivate-podcast/honoring-the-intensity-of-intensive-griefRecorded 26 February 2024.

honoring the intensity of intensive grief

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