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Interview: Paul Baron
Interview: Paul Baron

Interview: Paul Baron

Paul Baron: "what they really liked about the wall printer, which is what I'm most proud of, is that every customer we have, becomes a new company. Everybody that buys a wall printing machine establishes a company around this machine, or they've added a revenue stream to an existing company."Let us introduce you to Paul Baron, a self-described "serial entrepreneur," who shares insights from his fifty-something year career in sales, and running businesses like restaurants, sporting goods, and beyond. Paul and Leela talk about revenue-sharing models for employees, the risks and rewards of going into business for yourself, pricing your labor and your services, and Paul's latest business venture: The Wall Printer.Links!Connect with Paul Baron on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pbbaron/ Check out The Wall Printer machine in action: https://thewallprinter.com/en/The Ward's Bridge Inn: https://wardsbridgeinn.com/Transcript and notes:https://dev.intensivesinstitute.com/captivate-podcast/interview-paul-baronRecorded 26 February 2024.

Interview: Paul Baron

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