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Episode 07: Misconduct within Humanitarian Organizations
Episode 07: Misconduct within Humanitarian Organizations

Episode 07: Misconduct within Humanitarian Organizations

From Oxfam to the United Nations, allegations of sexual abuse and misconduct have rocked the humanitarian sector. In episode 07 we speak with Hendrica Okondo, who has 20 years of experience in humanitarian contexts within UN organizations; Robin Yaker, who has worked for the International Rescue Committee and Raising Voices; and Sarah Douglas, who is the deputy chief of peace and security at UN Women. All three reflect on the heartbreaking abuse that takes place in humanitarian settings, the organisational cultures that keep it in place, and their courageous stories of standing up for the safety, security and dignity other women. As we dig deeper, we discuss that there is not enough awareness of the problem, that awareness and formal policies are not enough and the importance of feminist leadership. The women share strategies for creating the deeper culture shifts necessary to dismantle not only the gender hierarchies, but the influences of colonialism, elitism and racism still present in these contexts. 

Episode 07: Misconduct within Humanitarian Organizations

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