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How the Body is Political - with Shame on Me author Tessa McWatt
How the Body is Political - with Shame on Me author Tessa McWatt

How the Body is Political - with Shame on Me author Tessa McWatt

Welcome to "How To Be...", guiding you through life's tricky topics and skills by reading through the best books out there. The body is political. Our body can represent our identity, our past, our race, gender and status, and be a symbol for our society. However, how our bodies are viewed and categorised is not always in the power of the body’s inhabiter, many of these definitions are imposed upon us by systems of power beyond our control. So how is the body political? Hence, I spoke to University of East Anglia professor and Shame on me author on body politics, as well as other experts' books to see if their advice can help all of us. Please hit subscribe to hear the whole series on life skills and social change! It should be short and sweet. I look forward to journeying with you through this maze of hacks.

How the Body is Political - with Shame on Me author Tessa McWatt

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