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S4E4 How to Prevent Holiday Overwhelm (re-broadcast)
S4E4 How to Prevent Holiday Overwhelm (re-broadcast)

S4E4 How to Prevent Holiday Overwhelm (re-broadcast)

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! But, is it really?  The holiday season, allegedly the most wonderful time of the year, may not be so wonderful for many of us. Because we've been conditioned under systems of supremacy culture and capitalism, for many of us this is the time to rush, to hustle and to do for others at our own expense.  Today’s episode is the beginning of a three-part miniseries that will help you get through the holidays in a way that goes counter to supremacy and allows you to experience this time as a time of true love, connection, intimacy and authenticity in all of your relationships!    In today’s episode, we cover:  The importance of slowing down  Giving yourself and others the gift of presence  Deep presence, deep connection and true intimacy    Quotes  [00:05:52] Because this is the time of year where we are sold every single lie and piece of BS about how we need these outside material possessions, that are really only fleeting and temporary, by the way...but how we need these external things in order for us to be happy, in order for our loved ones to feel loved, in order for everyone to feel appreciated and that they matter.   [00:10:54] I want you to think about what might happen if you were to allow yourself to follow what nature's rhythm was. What if you were to give yourself permission to slow down, to be more internally focused, to turn towards Self to see what you need or what your heart wants to share with your loved ones as opposed to what corporate, and big business, and consumerism and capitalism tell you that you need.  [00:16:20] When you slow down, when you connect with yourself, when you come into alignment with you, with the Divine Source of something greater than you, when you look to nature for your cues and when you move from there, that's where you'll make your greatest impact on your loved ones. And I guarantee you it is not going to be because you got them the latest iPhone, or the latest gadget, or the latest whatever and especially not if you did it from the energy of hustle and chaos and franticness and scarcity and lack.

S4E4 How to Prevent Holiday Overwhelm (re-broadcast)

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