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E83: How to Thrive Amidst Challenges
E83: How to Thrive Amidst Challenges

E83: How to Thrive Amidst Challenges

Episode Highlight: On this episode of the "Embracing Only" podcast, we have a spicy topic that is a little more vulnerable than what we typically share. We’re taking a second to back off the career talk and check in and ask how you are doing. In the spirit of vulnerability, we also share what we are wrestling with at the moment and how we’re navigating through these things.Key Discussion Points:02:04 Self-Worth Check-In: High-achievers often tie their self-worth to their achievements. They also rarely stop to acknowledge all that they have accomplished.05:16 Building Joy: Find the things that make you happy and intentionally build them into your day.07:21 Cultivating Emotional Awareness: We are always holding space for others, sometimes we need to hold space for ourselves and identify what we want and need.14:28 Psychological Flexibility: A way of being that gives you the ability to respond to what is happening to you in a more fluid way.20:05 Feeling and Learning from Your Emotions: How can you open up to painful emotions rather than be overwhelmed by them? And once you allow yourself to feel these emotions, what can you learn from them?28:29 Rewriting Trauma: Choose to focus on what you gained from past traumatic experiences rather than what you lost.39:25 Affirming Others: Remind the people in your life that you are closest to that they are enough, regardless of what they can provide or do for you.In Summary: We’re challenging you to build joy into your day, take the time to acknowledge your self-worth, hold space for yourself, and feel your emotions. We urge you to rewrite your trauma focusing on the gain rather than the gap.Resources from this episode:The Gap and The Gain: The High Achievers' Guide to Happiness, Confidence, and Success by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin HardyIf you happen to be a woman of color and you are looking for a community of like minded women, join Olivia here: https://www.mysistersshoulders.com/.Ready to make a change?→ If you are struggling to navigate your corporate career but are ambitious and have goals you want to accomplish quickly, Olivia is the coach for you. She can help you reach your goals. Reach out to her on LinkedIn or visit oliviacream.com.→ If you are ready to leave corporate or you want to start a profitable side brilliance but you’re unsure of the next steps, Archita can guide you through a successful transition to entrepreneurship. Reach out to her on LinkedIn or visit architafritz.com.Connect with your hosts:Follow Archita on Linkedin or check out her website.Follow Olivia on Linkedin or check out her website.Follow Embracing Only on Linkedin, Ready to make a change?→ Struggling with your corporate career but have big goals? Reach out to Olivia on LinkedIn or visit oliviacream.com.→ Ready to leave corporate or start a side venture? Archita can guide your next steps.Reach out to her on LinkedIn or visit architafritz.com.

E83: How to Thrive Amidst Challenges

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