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Episode 58: The Workplace Revolution we need- Emotional Intelligence & Belonging
Episode 58: The Workplace Revolution we need- Emotional Intelligence & Belonging

Episode 58: The Workplace Revolution we need- Emotional Intelligence & Belonging

In this insightful interview Archita and Olivia interview award winning author, Farah Harris. Where they explore the complexities of emotions, emotional intelligence, and cultural identity in the workplace.  Key topics covered: Why emotional intelligence and emotional skills are critical for leaders today, despite prevailing attitudes that emotions should be "left at the door" The damaging effects of suppressing emotions and "masking" our authentic selves to fit in at work  How code-switching and changing behaviour to assimilate can lead to imposter syndrome, anxiety, and other issues Tips for improving emotional intelligence: identifying our feelings, communicating them effectively, and finding healthy ways to process painful emotions The importance of inclusive leadership: valuing diverse personalities and working styles on your team  How to interrupt biased comments in talent reviews and set employees up for success Farah shares vulnerable stories and actionable advice for honouring yourself and your emotions, while still meeting workplace goals. Tune in to gain insight from her trailblazing perspective as a woman of color and clinician navigating corporate spaces. You'll walk away inspired to approach work and life with greater authenticity, empathy, and emotional courage. Link to purchase Farah’s book can be found here: https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Farah-Harris-ebook/dp/B0C46RKN8Y You can also follow her and her work here: https://workingwelldaily.com/

Episode 58: The Workplace Revolution we need- Emotional Intelligence & Belonging

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