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S2E28: NEWS UPDATE: Dad confronts an alleged sexual predator targeting his daughter
S2E28: NEWS UPDATE: Dad confronts an alleged sexual predator targeting his daughter

S2E28: NEWS UPDATE: Dad confronts an alleged sexual predator targeting his daughter

S2E28: NEWS UPDATE: Dad confronts an alleged sexual predator targeting his daughterOn today's episode, we're speaking with a local dad who confronted a nail salon tech who attempted to groom his daughter.    After hearing about the disgusting sexual comments this nail tech made to his 16 year old daughter, Chad Howey took matters into his own hands.  He addressed both the nail tech and the salon owners demanding that something happen to protect future clients.   Come to find out, this wasn't the first time this nail tech had acted unbecoming.  Through some research, it seems like there have been multiple cases against him, a suspended state license, and a criminal charge.  And yet, he's interacting with the public daily...especially young girls.We need more strong men like Chad, and we are so blessed that he joined us via Instagram for a great conversation.  It's time to sand up for our kids, no matter what that looks like.  They are looking to us to defend them.  Enough is enough.LICENSE WAS SUSPENDED 11/16/2021: LICENSE #51400137Article on nail tech: https://www.mlive.com/news/bay-city/2013/04/bay_county_teen_testifies_she.htmlNews: https://www.azfamily.com/video/2022/10/25/mesa-nail-tech-accused-inappropriate-behavior/https://www.fox10tv.com/video/2022/10/25/mesa-nail-tech-accused-inappropriate-behavior/\Connect and Support 🙏🏽✨💙Instagram: @saveourchildrenpodcastBridget: @beautybyb____Becky: @becky_standbysurvivorsWebsite: www.standbysurvivors.com

S2E28: NEWS UPDATE: Dad confronts an alleged sexual predator targeting his daughter

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